Raven’s Gate Summary

First, Matt and Kelvin were caught stealing CDs and games, and hurting the guard. Next, Matt end up in jail and have to choose between the L.E.A.F. program or sent to jail and Matt picked the program. Therefore, Matt was sent to the town called Lesser Malling and lives with Ms. Deverill. Finally Matt discovered the weirdness and the mystery of the town.


I’m poem

I am fat, but I want to be as thin and fit as Ms. Allison.

I am a coward, but I want to be brave and heroic as Superman.

I always procrastinate, but I want to be hard working.

I am short, but I want to be tall as Ms. Allison.

I am  not athletic, but I want to be energetic and as fast as Mr. Eric.

I am bored, but I want to be interested in learning.

I am weak, but I want to be as strong as Mr. Bill able to carry a car.

I am sad, but I want to happy as a kid in the snow.

Secret Life of Walter Mitty:

I predict that the story Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber, the protagonist will have a good life at first and he wanted more, and his adventure begins. Based on Snoopy story, I think when he tries to find more for him, he only have bad luck and misfortune and start to lose what he own. When he tries to fix his mistakes but it will only get worse. And from the songs about Daydream, I would think that he will fix his problem about daydreaming. He would dream about how his life could be and hoping that it comes true. I think that there will be some humor in the story from Snoopy comics. And finally I think that in his journey, he will have a companion or someone that would help him with things that he is struggling about.